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Just reading your blog and the things that you shared have lifted my spirits and encouraged me to keep pressing on, trusting Heavenly Father.


 I learned, because of you, that I have control of my day and how it is going to be. I don't even think about it much any more, but I have the habit of telling myself: " today is a new day and it is a great day." Every day is a great day! I feel the love of our Father in Heaven and I have learned a true principle, that if I share the love that I feel from Heavenly Father, with those around me, I am blessed to feel His love even more. I know the principle - "Treat others the way you want to be treated", or "what you sow, so shall ye reap" all are pretty much the same. If I give, I receive. I have such a strong testimony of this truth. Thank you for being so kind in helping and serving me. I try to share that same principle with all that I can. 


I am so grateful that you are still out there encouraging and sharing what you have been blessed with. Thank you again, my friend!  

       - Love Jessica Martin  March 2016   

I love how God works to help his children. I use ideas learned from My Life Is A Joy to ME in teaching my piano students. For example, if they say, "I can't do this," then I talk to them about programming their brain, like a computer, with things that they want. I help them rephrase what they say to leave the door open to further learning. What a pleasure to meet you! You have influenced my life greatly and I am passing it on! Hugs.  
       - Katherine   Feb. 2013

I've been using your "Faith Unpuzzled" materials for almost a year. Using the principles has resulted in much good for me...  A marriage is growing due to your help. A person's negative attitude has turned around...  she is a completely different person. The latest person I helped is a sister missionary who claims this material was the only thing that could have helped her. Thank you so much.
      - A. Lewis, Las Vegas, Nevada​

My exposure to Carolyn's explanation and practical application of how the mind works... has been truly delightful. I have been a student of the heart, mind, and body for many years. In Carolyn's work, I found that which is familiar, that which is new and very valuable... and the joy of learning from a sister who truly has a gift for strengthening others. Thank You Carolyn.

       - Douglas Wood, Saratoga Springs, Utah - Feb 2013

The things that you taught me and helped me with have helped me so much in my efforts to follow the Savior and Heavenly Father. I know first hand how negative thoughts and actions bring negative results. I start each day by telling myself that today is a good day, and amazingly it always is. Recently I was even sharing with someone about the things that back in the 80's you were learning about the brain and how it works. I still have most of the books and maybe all the tapes that I got from you. I would love to make sure I have everything so that I can share them with others.
       - Jessica - March 2013
I heard "Faith Unpuzzled" as a teenager and loved the way it clarified the principles of faith and encouraged individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and attitudes. I listened to the presentation repeatedly, even taking a copy along to college and wherever I went. I still have that same tape! Through the years the principles and even some of Carolyn's stories and exact words have stuck in my mind and become ingrained in my life. Our family has gone through some tough times, especially with my husband becoming disabled and dealing with poor health recently, and our faith has bolstered us and helped us through it all. Even during daily scripture study and teaching moments that come up with my children, I find myself repeating the concepts and trying to help my children understand and apply the important ideas put forth in Carolyn's work. Thank you, Carolyn!
       - Kjerstina, Sanford, Colorado - Feb. 2013

I love using the "My LIfe is a Joy" alpha relaxation series. I listen to them in the morning when I am driving the kids to school and at bedtime. I have found it has helped my ADHD symptoms. My mind is more directed, focused and emotionally calmer. All of the books in her collection have been an inspiration to me. Thank you Carolyn for simplifying faith and our role with God.
      - Tara Wood, Lehi Utah - Jan 2013

Wow. I am amazed at all the life changing info my wife and I have learned from "Faith Unpuzzled", cds, books and speaking with Carolyn. It could not have come at a better time too. She has been sent to us by divine inspiration. We have deepened our understanding of the Atonement, and Faith. We now realize that when we have faith, by controlling our thoughts, the Atonement is started in force. The Atonement is to help us with everything, not just sin. It is for health, family, financial, spiritual and anything else. It really does work. Thank you Carolyn for helping us understand.
        - Matt Selph - May 2013

I first heard "Faith Unpuzzled", via a friend in Perth, Fiona Maile. She was kind enough to share her tape..
The first time I listened to Carolyn's explanation of Faith, must have been over 12 years ago. It absolutely changed my life and my perspective of how Faith works....and opened the scriptures unto all started to make sense!!!!
[I have not missed a day of reading and studying the Scriptures for the past 7- 8 years...thanks to my learning to listen to the Spirit and Promptings throughout my life's sorjourn]
I was a convert to changing the way I listen to the voices that come into my mind...and to know how to discern who is speaking to me ... has been a saving Grace, as there have been times in my past, where the adversary almost destroyed me.
My relationship with the Saviour has become more personal than ever before...I felt I had a "Born Again" experiences...and The Lord literally wiped away my tears, spilt, as I forgave those who wronged me in my earlier years...
I felt the Saviour's Tender Mercies as He forgave me; I became free to Love others....
I began my own little mission...way back share this information with as many who would listen....and saw many friends have similar awareness moments.
       -Vicki Hurrell, Bunbury, Western Australia - April 2013

Carolyn writes with a refreshing perspective of actually believing scriptures.  She has studied and prayed for understanding and inspiration which she skillfully presents in her book and cd called Faith Unpuzzled.
Recognizing and learning to control the spiritual side of our human natures we can take better control of our thoughts and discard many negative influences that at times try to tempt us.  The scriptures testify of this ever learning process necessary for our spiritual growth.  Jesus Christ is there wanting to answer our prayers and help us if we just ask.
I am grateful for my friendship with Carolyn as I have gained some wisdom through the true principals of faith that she has shares in her book.
       - Sherri - May 2013

I started working with Caroline a few months ago. In my talking with her, she had some great background knowledge and had written a book on faith. After a few weeks I approached her on an issue I was having with cussing. She had given me something to try, it was right before I swore to say NEXT in my head. It worked! My family life has improved, and my son tells me everyday how much I have improved. I just wanted to write Caroline a thank you note to tell how great she is! A BIG THANK YOU!
       - Brandon Charlesworth - May 2013 
Our son Kyle returned home from a LDS Mission to Brisbane, Australia in 2003. He shared a cassette tape recording by Carolyn Pearce Ringger on the topic of Faith. Camille and I listened to it over and over; at least two or three times a week for a couple of months. As we applied the principles she taught, we started to see an immediate impact in our lives. Our emotions and attitudes toward ourselves, others, and our goals and desires changed and improved. Little miracles lead to bigger miracles as our belief and faith increased. We learned how to attract to us what we wanted from life by writing down our desires, using the thought patterns of programming, and doubting nothing. This information has made our journey through mortality richly rewarding and positive. We endorse these principles because we have applied them and know that they are true and work for us and for others with whom we share them.
       - Mark Crookston - 26 May 2013
Hi Carolyn, I knew you a hundred years ago when you were a missionary in New Zealand - would love to be friends on facebook - have put in a request - have some of your works and about to order some - I am friends with Fiona Maile as I live close to her in Perth and I was at her home doing some more 'learning' today - your works were talked about and we just love what we learn from you - thanks you so much - Carolyn Marks (I remember you singing a song called 'aloha means...) at the airport when you were leaving - so many many years ago....
       - Carolyn Marks November 2015

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